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videojs 7.x-3.0-alpha3

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Release info

Created by: Jorrit
Created on: 1 May 2017 at 07:12 UTC
Last updated: 1 May 2017 at 07:13 UTC
Core compatibility: 7.x
Release type: Bug fixes, New features

Release notes

First of all, my apologies for the lack of maintenance for this version in the last four years. I got stuck implementing subtitles and as my Drupal project ended I did not have time anymore to work on this project, hoping someone would take over. Recently I started working on a new Drupal project and while being annoyed by the lack of maintenance in some projects I realized that I was responsible for this negligence as well. I hope this release is not too late.

This release fixes the most important issues, adding support for more recent Video.js versions and expanding CDN support. Later I hope to add less important issues and then release 3.0 final

Improvements compared to 7.x-3.0-alpha2

  • Issue #1864438 by Jorrit: Added support for selecting the default track.
  • Issue #2028357 by roball: Fixed track language code attribute.
  • Issue #2024815 by Jorrit: Added support for inline videos in wysiwyg editors using the Media module and added other compatibility fixes with the Media and File Entity modules.
  • Issue #2024815 by Jorrit: Added extra classes for files displayed using the media module.
  • Issue #2050721 by leonardo.drupal: Fixed wrong default_value index for the default subtitle drop down.
  • Issue #2069865 by jamiehollen: Moved check_plain() and file_create_url() from template to preprocess.
  • Update version detection regex and add support for version 5 and 6
  • Fixes videojs_get_version() when using Libraries API or CDN
  • Allow selecting a specific CDN version, default to 6.0.0.

5 Leadership Skills for Long Term Success

From Here:

If you want to achieve long-lasting success as a manager you have to make sure to create a long lasting impact as a leader.

The work of leadership is extremely important for the success of a business. At the end of the day, without strong leaders, we cannot reach the achievements we hope for.

Every organization, company or business and even a community all need a strong leader to succeed.

Leaders make an impact every day. They drive people to build something that will last.

There are many important leadership and management skills that would help a leader to succeed. Here we give you a list of 5 of these skills you need to develop.

You might also want to take a look at this infographic for additional tips


We must remember that people are humans with all their good and bad. To make an impact with your team and to create a long lasting trustworthy relationship you need to remember to show your human side.

You need to relate to them, to get to know them on a personal level. Do not treat them just like part of the furniture.

If you show them understanding and compassion they will certainly admire you and respect you and will treat you the same way in return.

Be a Team Player

Be part of your team by being one of them. Get your hands dirty, do the work and show your team the behavior that you want them to adopt.

Employees tend to follow and copy what they see in their leader. If you want them to complete their work on time do so yourself as well. Leaders cannot expect work to be handed in on time when they do not respect deadlines themselves in the first place.

Commit to doing the right thing. You can help your employees if required, this would be a way to show them support for each other and to build a strong team.

Inspire Commitment and Motivation

Leaders can encourage loyalty and commitment by knowing what motivates their people and by taking the appropriate actions with each individual.

As a leader, you can achieve your goal of inspiring commitment by:

      • Recognizing and rewarding employees.
      • Sharing a clear vision and connecting it to each employee’s role.
      • Expecting high standards from everyone.
      • Recognizing, rewarding and celebrating success.

Self-Awareness and Self-Management

These two skills can be united as one and they are probably the most important skills a leader should have.

When leaders are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and of their ability to manage themselves, they can easily give feedback to others, set clear expectations and manage and motivate staff.

As a leader, you need to strengthen these two skills first to be able to lead more effectively and create a better impact on your staff and the business itself.


Your team is formed by human beings that are investing their time and efforts into a project you are leading.

As a leader, you need to help them find meaning in their work to engage them in better ways. For example, if you want to develop some changes, help them to find a reason for the change.

As people when we have a meaning or purpose we are more persistent, disciplined, enthusiastic and we have a far better chance to succeed.


To summarize, being is a leader is all about getting the most out of your team while maintaining a happy group of people. This can only be accomplished if you are able to apply yourself to the role and make more than a few changes to how you normally operate alone and with people.

Foster healthy competition within the team. This is easier said than done because if you aren’t careful, this would result in members going incommunicado with their own team and sometimes even you.

A lot of people make the mistake of putting their own ego ahead of their team with disastrous results. This causes your team to lose faith in your abilities and they will generally start distrusting you. Being open is the key to getting the most out of your team.

Dealing with problems that affect the entire team shouldn’t be isolated to just a one-one discussion, rather involve the whole team. This will give the whole team and you a common platform from which creative ideas can surface.

And finally, give your team their due. When they accomplish something, make sure that you acknowledge it and if it’s significant, even celebrate it! Recognition is a really powerful tool and you can get people inspired and encourage them to give their best.

Be honest with yourself about your abilities and limits as well what your team is capable of. This will let you avoid stressful situations at work.

The Goose needs care

I’m on the “golden egg” side of business.

We’re trying to pick up as many golden eggs as possible.

And when the goose does not deliver, we think that’s bad. Some get mad.

But I like the goose, and pet him.  And I know that he will deliver many golden eggs in the future.

(You’d have to know what kind of day I had to understand this)

The powerful odor of mendacity

Do you smell it?

What’s that smell in this room? Didn’t you notice it, Brick? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?

One of mankind’s greatest deceptions, the ability to self-delude ourselves.

We judge others by their actions, and ourselves by our intent.


Kilgore: How’re you feeling, Jimmy?

Door Gunner: Like a mean motherfucker, sir!