Power supply arrived on Thursday, but didn’t have time to install it until today. Tech Harbor is back online.
I don’t know what happened, but perhaps there is a scientific explanation
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might" – Ecc9:10
The personal blog of Michael J Pierce
Power supply arrived on Thursday, but didn’t have time to install it until today. Tech Harbor is back online.
I don’t know what happened, but perhaps there is a scientific explanation
I bought a Dell 1600SC server back in 2001. It helped me learn DHCP and DNS. I learned about server hardware as I upgraded through the years. As I moved to open source software for my workstations and servers, it was the only the only Windows software I had, and its main job was to run Symantec EndPoint for the virtual PCs I used in working with corporate clients.
Except two days ago, the server crashed. I was quickly reminded how dependent on having a local DNS server I had become. I wasn’t sure if it was the Power Supply or the System board, but things looked bleak.
Be Strong and Courageous. So, I ordered a used PSU off of e-bay, since it was the cheapest T/S route. Yep. I had to hack at W2K3 to restore the Windows installation, and I don’t want to tell you how long that took, but tonight, She’s back runnin’. Praise the Lord, remind me to make DNS redundant in my network.
They say nothing is constant except change. I have to upgrade from F14 to F16. I have things just the way I want them now, but I’ve slipped off the support radar now and I have no choice. Preupgrade worked well with Queenie, so I’m hopeful.
If I don’t see you for a while…well, you know.
January has been such a rush. I’ve gotten some contract work, and a few interviews and still feverishly working to bring Tech Harbor/Loganville Linux to fruition. The legal parts are done! The technical parts are almost there.
My office is a mess, and it’s raining like HELL outside, but today my cup runneth over.
[hana-flv-player video=”http://michaeljpierce.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/morningops2.flv” width=”400″ height=”300″ description=”A prayer at sunrise on Topsail Island” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”false” /]
This is a time-lapsed video of sunrise, with a prayer to inspire you