
The Oz Principle defines Accountability as:

Accountability: “A personal choice to rise above one’s circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving desired results—to See It, Own It, Solve It , Do It®.

I’ve really tried to embrace the philosophy because it’s highly regarded at Turner.  But it always seemed to be adapted from Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, minus the emphasis on personal development.

At the root of my struggle was the O.P. definition.  I couldn’t wrap around it.  Today I hit on a definition from Tony Schwarz that I do identify with:

“Accountability is a means of regularly facing the truth about the gap between your intention and your actual behaviour.

At its best, accountability is both a protection against our infinite capacity for self-deception and a source of information about what still stands in our way.”

Now that’s perfect.  It’s quiet mornings like this one, that I acquire the most knowledge.  Now let’s go hold myself accountable to my mission statement.